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Achievement vs. Growth “Birdshot” Chart

Tennessee Growth vs. Achievement “Birdshot” Chart



Tennessee school performance is measured on two factors: achievement, assessed with the TCAP and ACT tests; and growth, seen in TVAAS (i.e., value-added) results. Parents can compare the performance of their child’s school with others across the district or the state by viewing ECF’s interactive Growth vs. Achievement Charts.

Links to charts of recent years are listed below.  Note that the 2011 charts for elementary and middle grades rely on a “Growth Index” calculated from value-added (TVAAS) scores. This index is also called the Literacy and Numeracy Evaluation Composite and is said to be a more accurate indicator of growth than TVAAS NCE scores, as it factors in school size, a variable that can otherwise exaggerate the effectiveness of small schools.

Note also that the Tennessee Department of Education now grades schools on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest grade. ECF is presenting these as letter grades which many find easier to understand; these charts, therefore, present a level 5 as an A, level 4 as a B, and so on.

To view three-year average scores from 2012-2014, visit the following links:

To view three-year average scores from 2011-2013, visit the following links:

To view three-year average scores from 2010-2012, visit the following links:

To view three-year average scores from 2009-2011, visit the following links:

To view three-year average scores from 2008-2010, visit the following links: